This is a blogger challenge. We were given the word "art" as a starting point... In around 1978 I remember
a peculiar crisis. The Australian government had opted for a highly
controversial option for the eradication of the rabbit population,
myxomatosis.Was essentially a virus
which wiped out the feral rabbit population. To a young child, as I
was, killing rabbits was akin to putting a bullet to the Easter bunny. Then Richard Adams penned his blistering
exposure of the project. It didn’t seem that way- it was packaged as a novel
about our small large-eared friends- Watership Down. Being susceptible to
emotive topics, I got attached. Pictured rabbits gasping their last in meadows.
Their little flag tails twitching in the balmy summer sunsets. It didn’t help
when Art Garfunkel released his song, Bright Eyes . The best song about rabbit
massacre ever written, it became the unlikely hit of that year. And, for me, you say the
word “art” and I can see Art Garfunkel with his wavy hair while my dad drives
our car down a leafy lane in Cornwall.
We were on holiday, heads full of ice creams and beach sand. We even skimmed
past a car as it ran over a rabbit. As the furry creature cartwheeled into the
bushes, I could hear Art harmonizing with himself.
How mad. These snapshots
of life that stay with you.
One thing I've learned in life: NEVER ask "What's the worst thing that could happen?"
Nervously looking over my shoulder at this blog since: Thursday, August 26, 2004